Listening to Your Body

Next up in my list of foundational mindset shifts is that you adopt a mindset of curiosity and awareness. ⁠

After last week's post, maybe you are finally willing to embrace health as an individualized practice. But, how do I know what to do if I’m not an expert?! ⁠

My answer is this: START with CURIOSITY & AWARENESS. And as you do, I want you to do your best to TUNE OUT the nose, and IGNORE the VOICES of criticism and judgment in your head from years of absorbing nutrition information. ⁠

I encourage you to ⁠
and consider that maybe YOUR BODY HAS SOMETHING TO TELL YOU. ⁠
That maybe, just maybe your body is actually trying to communicate using symptoms and cues. ⁠

Now before you consider this request outrageous, please note ⁠
The goal is to NOT to be present 100% of the time - that’s way too unrealistic ⁠
You might not understand what all of your symptoms mean, and that’s ok! ⁠
Not everything you feel or notice has a meaning ⁠

BUT, if you can adopt a mindset of curiosity you might find that your process is now to EXPLORE⁠
WHY you might be experiencing any given symptom, or craving⁠ and HOW you can address, fill, or heal that need. Curiosity is a drastically different pathway to health than constantly trying to FIX yourself, or STOP something from happening. Restriction and control rarely produce long lasting results. ⁠

Rather than white-knuckling your way to change, I wonder what it might look like to consider WHY you are following certain patterns in the first place? Or, WHAT your body might be missing that leads you to crave certain foods? ⁠

What if, instead of restricting, failing, and then giving up, you tried adding MORE of something else - MORE walks, MORE sunshine, MORE sex and hugs, MORE ways to engage your brain and your body, or MORE of another food - and paid attention as you tweaked and adjusted until you found something that works. ⁠

When you approach health with a mindset of curiosity suddenly it becomes less about good/bad, and more about understanding your own health process and what is going to work for you, right now, in this season.