Creating your Own Plan

In my series on foundations, the second mindset shift that I hope you will start to truly embrace is that this practice of Health is NOT going to look the same for you as it does for ANYONE else out there.

I’m pretty sure you know this one. But maybe you keep hoping (just like the rest of us) that one day someone will discover a universal plan that works for everyone and just tell you what to do.Sounds nice. ⁠

Way too often, I hear from clients and friends that they are overwhelmed by all the conflicting health information. We can all get caught in the weeds with what we consume online - eggs are good for you, kale will kill you, eat more fat, eat less nuts, limit carbs but don’t forget to eat berries. Who knows, right?! ⁠

Here’s the thing. Nutrition science is an imperfect science, and it’s based on populations, not individuals. What works for you is likely not what will work for me, or for your neighbor or your mom. Sure, there are absolutely some overlapping themes, and elements that work for a variety of people. And, I can share with you tips and tools and strategies based on anecdotes and research. ⁠

But at the end of the day,YOU have to create YOUR OWN plan. ⁠

Part of this concept of really moving towards personalization requires moving away from black and white thinking as it relates to health. Just as I referenced last week, this is NOT a one size fits all process, there is NO ONE answer, and there’s not even ONE destination that is best for all of us.

So, stop scanning Instagram, or even research, looking to discover the one secret plan that you haven’t tried yet. You know what THAT does -the endless searching- It takes away from the time that you spend actually tuning into your own body and refining YOUR PLAN. ⁠

This week, I encourage you to consider moving towards the mindset that your journey is going to look different from anyone else's.

Use social media to learn tools and ideas, but then be willing to tune in, practice, fail, adjust, tweak, and repeat until you figure out what works for YOU in this season.