Consistency and Patience: The Power of Success

This week's mindset focus is consistency & patience.
How many of you have adopted a super intense health plan only to recognize that you couldn’t keep up? One of the fastest ways to experience failure is to adopt a plan that is too intense for you.⁠

Remember back to the post where I talked about the PRACTICE of health…IF our goal is to focus on the day to day behaviors and practice of what helps us feel & function optimally, then hopefully you recognize that consistency is critical. ⁠

So, rather than cutting everything out or taking on too much, I want you to think about what baby steps you can make AND STICK TO most days. And, be honest with yourself and your reality! ⁠

I suggest starting even SMALLER than you think you might need to.THEN once you can be consistent with that, you can add on another layer. Consider choosing only ONE or maybe two things to work on - and make them almost obnoxiously easy. The POWER OF SUCCESS is pretty motivating and will do far more to get you to your goal than overdoing it and giving up. I KNOW, you want to do more, and it’s hard to go slow, but I promise it’s more effective!! ⁠

Gentle consistency over intensity will always be a more effective way to see change. ⁠

You likely have caught on at this point that if we are focusing on baby steps, this isn’t going to be a fast. Patience is a hard one in a culture that pushes us to demand instant results. As much as I’d like to appreciate the value of waiting for things, it's rarely easy. ⁠

BUT, remember that being patient is NOT the same as being still. Patience isn’t passive!! It takes work 💪🏼 to go slow and to be patient. If you want to actively pursue patience, pour your energy into noticing progress even from the smallest of changes. You SHOULD see change, it’s just likely to be smaller than you expect. And, you have to pay attention. ⁠

This is one of the main reasons I work with clients to create a comprehensive list of the areas we want to work on. That way, if one aspect isn’t budging, but everything else is moving, we know we are on track. That way, you can be mindful to look for the change and carry that success on to your next focus.