Building Sustainable Goals

You've been here before.... ⁠

You've enjoyed some down time and indulged in a few more treats than usual, you feel a little puffy, a little blah, and are actually interested in making changes. ⁠You’re motivated, and that is a great start! 

Meanwhile, the 72 billion dollar diet industry is quietly slipping you messages that there is a way out... YOU ARE IN FACT BROKEN, but not to despair, there is still time to find a NEW you!  So you start a new program, eliminate food groups, follow new recipes every night of the week (only ⅓ of which your kids actually eat), establish a meditation routine, AND start exercising. And you kill it. For a few weeks.

Resolutions and goals DO have value.  ⁠

But, this much I know to be true - The plan that WILL WORK for you is one that

✔️You helped design based on YOUR life, schedule, barriers and more ⁠

✔️Is built in phases, rather than changing everything at once. ⁠

✔️Is built on habits rather than outcomes

✔️Includes flexibility and leads to success without relying on perfection, rigidity and control. ⁠

So this year, I CHALLENGE YOU to think differently about your resolutions.

You feel good at first, then slowly things start to unravel. 🫠 Life gets busy, you realize you are exhausted and overwhelmed by all of the new tasks you took on, and obsessing over what to eat. Your anxiety has gone up because you aren’t even sure if what you are doing is right for YOU. You feel better when you are 'on your plan' but can't figure out how to sustain it all. So, ULTIMATELY YOU GIVE UP, go back to take out, wine at 5, and feel like a failure, yet again. Sound familiar? ⁠

Here’s the thing. I know it feels easier to just follow what someone else tells you to do. And someone else’s plan might work for a little bit .But is that what you want? Something that works for a little bit? ⁠⠀

I challenge you to start by building your goals around HABITS and ROUTINES. 👏

And then to think about which ONE you can start with.  

Here are a few ideas… 

  • Doing 2 strength workouts a week

  • Walking 20 minutes every day 

  • Eating a vegetable or fruit at every meal 

  • Going to bed by 10pm 

  • Getting morning sunlight 

  • Starting every meal with protein 

  • Limiting alcohol to 0-3 nights/week 

  • scheduling a weekly meal planning appointment 

  • Creating more margins in your day so that you have time to notice, adjust, and support yourself