Getting Back into a Routine

Life can feel overwhelming. Stop waiting for willpower and just choose 1-2 new habits you can focus on RIGHT NOW.

1) Start moving your body 🏃🏻‍♀️- but keep it short and sweet! I recommend picking a consistent time that you can move every day, but allow yourself to vary what you do. Some days it might be a slow walk, others a strength workout. Find a time that will work most or all days of the week, schedule, with reminders, and start to prioritize moving in that window - even just for 15 minutes. Rather than waiting to have a full & elaborate plan, start by moving for short periods of time each day, and then build from there. ☀️ Bonus points for getting outside and getting sunlight during your movement.

2) Meal Planning 🍽️- everyone’s least favorite topic in busy seasons. But here’s the thing, it can be simple and flexible and it can include take out! I like to call it meal mapping so you don’t feel like you have to have a detailed plan, nor that you have to cook every night. Choose a recurring time each week when you can look at your calendar for the following week and identify what meals you are going to prepare, and which you need to outsource. I recommend doing this on a Thursday or Friday so you can think about the coming weekend and week to come. 🗓️ During extra busy seasons of life, keep the meals simple and no new recipes! Having a plan for the week will make you feel so much more in control.

3) Turn off screens 30 minutes earlier than you have been.📱Ideally we all stop the screens around sunset, but I know that’s pretty hard for most of us. Set a time (with alarm) each night that you set your phone aside and minimize screen time as your bedtime is approaching. Remember nothing you are doing at that hour is probably more important than sleep!💤

4) Hit autopilot when it comes to meals. 🥗 Pick 1-2 lunch options that focus on protein & non starchy veggies, and that you enjoy. Then, stock your fridge with the parts to make those meals quickly and easily, and repeat. Boring is helpful sometimes. Don’t try to be creative during chaotic times; save that for another season!