Are You Eating Enough?

One of the MOST important steps towards better health, and yet, the ONE that my clients like the least , is to make sure you are eating enough.


Because you can down a bag of chips in one sitting, have an insatiable sweet tooth, or can eat more than your husband at dinner. Yes, EVEN YOU 🫵 might be under-nourishing yourself on an average day, often leading to the urge to over consume when you have no energy left to control yourself.            

You come to me complaining about low energy in the afternoons, wonky periods, constipation, weight gain, and no control around food, despite fasting and exercise.

THIS is a picture of undereating.  

Many of you have been eating in a deficit for so long that you don’t even know what it feels like to consistently eat enough. And, it’s terrifying for you to consider that you might need to eat more, because your focus until now has always been on what you are over consuming. I hear it every day.

Nourishment means eating enough to cover your body's basic needs, as well as physical activity, stress, and movement. Nourishment also means getting enough rest, joy, sunlight, movement, and so much more. Eating below your needs for too long can impair both thyroid and sex hormone production, slowing down metabolism, muscle repair, and digestion, and making it harder for you to see changes.  In short, it makes your body feel unsafe.

Don’t get me wrong, deficits can be super helpful at times, but only when used intentionally.  And, ONLY AFTER you’ve started from a place of nourishment.

Knowing what symptoms to watch for and understanding your body needs are important steps towards health. I’ll be breaking down how to know what you need, and how to truly eat to nourishment in my new virtual group program. 

Make sure to sign up for my newsletter to get exciting program updates!👀

Signs you may not be eating enough include: 

  • Feeling Cold Frequently 

  • Struggling to Gain Muscle or Lose weight 

  • Irregular or Missed periods 

  • Low Sex Drive 

  • Particularly Low Heart Rate or Low Blood Pressure 

  • Frequently Feeling Fatigued 

  • No Motivation to Move or Exercise

  • Poor Muscle Recovery

  • Frequent Blood Sugar Swings 

  • Including Struggling to Fall asleep or Stay Asleep through the Night 

  • Constipation, Slow Gastric Motility 

  • Irritability; Frequent Mood Swings 

  • Brittle Nails, Hair loss 

  • Frequent Mouth Sores or Cracks on the Corners of Your Mouth 

  • A Lack of Interest in Food or Lack of Hunger